Dyness C&I Energy Storage Solutions: Empowering Green Transformation of Enterprises with Extreme Security
Company News

Nowadays, recognized for their safety, efficiency, Dyness has served over 500,000 users in more than 100 countries, including regions like Europe, Africa, and South America.
As the global transition to renewable energy gathers pace and regional electricity prices remain volatile, commercial and industrial (C&I) energy storage systems are becoming an increasingly attractive option for businesses seeking to optimize their energy mix and reduce operating costs.
Rapidly Growing Market Demands
The C&I segment is emerging as a highly attractive market worldwide this year. Solar Power Europe pointed out that it is precisely because C&I battery systems can provide three mutually inclusive use cases that enhance the bankability of a project: increased self-consumption, frequency response, and the provision of balancing services.
In 2024, Chinese energy storage market is still growing steadily. With the gradual enrichment of industrial and commercial energy storage revenue mechanisms, the growth rate of installed capacity is considerable.
In Italy, for instance, fluctuations in electricity prices during periods of high demand present a multitude of potential arbitrage opportunities for energy storage systems. According to Solar Power Europe, the installed capacity of C&I energy storage is set to increase from 674 MWh in 2024 to 3.6 GWh in 2028.
The UK's C&I energy storage market is also showing significant potential for growth. The introduction of improved policy frameworks has created new business opportunities for peak shaving and energy arbitrage, driving the rapid development of commercial and industrial energy storage projects. While the installed capacity in 2024 remains relatively modest, this market is poised for exponential growth in the coming years.
The C&I installations in Germany are also set to grow significantly over the next five years as the economics of C&I battery systems improve and regulatory conditions become more favorable. Solar Power Europe reported that, the C&I segment in Germany anticipates 612 MWh to be added in 2024, with volumes growing rapidly to 3.8 GWh in 2028.
All-round Solution for Sustainable Business
Dyness owns a comprehensive product portfolio for C&I scenarios, catering to various usage conditions and energy requirements. From indoor stackable solutions to outdoor all-in-one energy storage cabinets, Dyness C&I energy storage solutions are designed to deliver superior performance across all aspects.
Multiple Safety Guarantees
At Dyness, the safety of our products is of the utmost importance. We incorporate safety considerations into the product design process from the outset. From the selection of the most stable cell materials to the product structure and design, safety is our primary concern. All Dyness C&I products utilise lithium iron phosphate battery cell material, which offers high stability and is environmentally friendly. In addition, advanced fire protection strategies are also employed in Dyness commercial energy storage products.
By way of illustration, the DH100F and DH200F both adopt a proactive fire prevention strategy, featuring a three-level (gas, smoke, temperature) detection system combined with multiple fire extinguishing agents and EMS intelligent judgment, to ensure product security efficiently at any time. For Dyness PowerRack HV Series, it provides an optional aerosol fire extinguisher with the ability to extinguish an open fire inside the module within 5 seconds. The newly-released STACK100 offers enhanced safety through an independent fire extinguishing device equipped in each battery pack, providing an additional layer of protection in the event of an emergency.
Full Scenario Support
Scalable from 35.84kWh to 5MWh, Dyness C&I energy storage solution could satisfy a range of application scenarios. Small commercial and industrial needs can be easily met by using Dyness indoor commercial and industrial solutions, such as the PowerRack HV Series, which features a stackable design and flexible configuration, providing robust adaptability and space utilization.
Furthermore, Dyness all-in-one energy storage systems offer unparalleled flexibility for a wide range of applications. The DH200F offers differentiated options such as PV access, and seamless switching between grid and off-grid, according to different usage scenarios and needs. It can be widely used in scenarios such as charging stations, industrial parks, and shopping malls, providing business owners or landlords with functions such as power backup to reduce their expenses on rising electricity prices and increase off-grid power self-sufficiency.
Durable Reliability
Moreover, one of the key benefits of Dyness C&I energy storage solutions is their exceptional self-balancing capability. For example, the PowerRack HV4 supports mixed use of old and new modules even if their respective capacity levels and state of charge (SOC) differ. The PowerRack HV4 owns a charging logic of one cluster at a time rather than all clusters stopping charging once one cluster is fully charged, so that the SOC of each cluster in parallel is 100%, providing superior system efficiency.
The new launch STACK100 boasts superior thermal management capability with a 1C charging and discharging rate, effectively reducing the system capacity decay rate and ensuring the system's operational efficiency and service life of up to 10 years.
Intelligent Management
Dyness has integrated Cloud-Edge Collaboration and the latest big-data technologies into system management, providing users with an intelligent energy management experience. The Dyness Smart APP, developed in-house, offers real-time monitoring of the system and battery health, enabling intelligent optimization for system operation, such as SOC, as well as diagnosis of battery failures, to ensure worry-free system usage.
Global Applications Unlock Potential
By now, many business owners have chosen Dyness C&I solutions to power their stable operations. From a Brazilian food factory to a supermarket in Tenerife, from a Dutch bowling club to a Greek office park, Dyness C&I products are witnessed as robust power supply, offering worry-free energy storage experience.
In a Brazilian food factory, an energy storage project equipped with Dyness PowerRack HV4s provides backup power for this factory, helping to reduce energy consumption during peak periods and. On Tenerife Island, there is an energy storage project of 215kWh, adopting Dyness all-in-one product DH200F to enhance solar use efficiency and help a supermarket realize optimal power self-generation and self-consumption.
In the Netherlands, a bowling club has adopted the Dyness DH200F energy storage system, which offers a reliable power supply and helps cut operational costs. The C&I product DH200F of Dyness has already been successfully implemented in Greece. Following the relocation of the company to a new building, the need for a backup energy source to ensure autonomy in electricity usage was identified. Ultimately, the DH200F was selected due to its optimal fit.
Nowadays, recognized for their safety, efficiency, Dyness has served over 500,000 users in more than 100 countries, including regions like Europe, Africa, and South America. By pursuing continuous technological innovation and a robust global strategy, Dyness is making a substantial contribution to global carbon neutrality goals and the wider adoption of renewable energy solutions. This commitment establishes Dyness as a principal player in the future of energy storage.
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Riverego Jiang
Senior Brand Manager
Mille Li
Brand Manager